The Place


Knowing CPR could help you save the life of someone you know or love

Do you know how to perform CPR?
Posted at 1:24 PM, Jun 06, 2023
and last updated 2023-06-06 15:24:28-04

Do you know CPR? If so — you could help save the life of someone you know or love.

Immediate CPR can double or even triple the chances of survival after cardiac arrest.

Keeping the blood flow active, even partially, extends the opportunity for a successful resuscitation once trained medical staff arrive on site.

Ashley Sheehy, American Red Cross Regional Disaster Preparedness Manager, joined Morgan with a quick lesson on this lifesaving training.

She says accidents and emergencies can happen anytime at home, in the workplace or in the community. Nearly 3 out of 4 cardiac arrests that do not happen in a hospital occur in the home, so it's critical to know what to do.

If you see someone suddenly collapse, have someone call 911 while you start hands-only CPR.

Compressions should happen between 100 and 120 beats per minute. Pump to the beat of the classic disco song "Stayin' Alive" or "Baby Shark".

Red Cross training can give you the skills and the confidence to act in an emergency. You'll learn how to perform CPR, what to do for heart attacks and other emergencies. online and in-person courses and don't forget to download the free Red Cross First Aid app and activate the First Aid Skill for Alexa-enabled devices.