Brand SpotlightWellness Wednesday


Free online tool helps teach kids about health

Posted at 4:53 PM, Apr 19, 2023
and last updated 2023-04-19 18:53:42-04

We expect a lot from our public school teachers - from subject mastery, to patience, kindness, and the ability to focus a large group of children.

We also expect them to teach their students the basics of living a healthy life.

Now there’s a free program intended to make that part of the job simple, fun and effective.

Brain Body Boost, or B3, is an online tool from SelectHealth, the health insurance provider associated with Intermountain Health.

“It's meant for kids, it's fun, you know? There's characters that they can relate to. And it’s just something that is going to provide some positive reinforcement for being active,” said Dawn Wright, director of community and public relations for SelectHealth.

B3 focuses on teaching fourth through sixth graders how to be healthy with fun, interactive exercises and an easy way to track everything online.

Wright said, “Anyone can go and kind of check it out and see what it has to offer.”

When kids track their progress online, each teacher gets credit and Select Health offers rewards for the classroom.

“Things like jump ropes and soccer balls and arts and crafts supplies for their classroom, things that we hear from teachers, they're often paying for out of their own pockets,” said Wright.

B3 also has a section for parents to participate alongside their child. If you’d like to see more, check out